Welcome to Rahel's

Art Gallery & Shop

My artworks are declarations of courage, hope, and resilience. I paint to inspire women and girls to demand their right to peace and freedom.

Cinterdum Cras mattis, augue id vestibulum mollis, eros arcu erat, sit amet varius erat metus vitae nisl.

2023 Series

Cras vulputate feugiat interdum. Cras mattis, augue id ves tibulum mollis, eros arcu cequat erat.

2022 Series

Cras vulputate feugiat interdum. Cras mattis, augue isarcu erat, sit amet varius erat metus nisl.

2021 Series

Cras vulputate feugiat interdum. Cras mattis, augue id ves tibulum mollis, eros arcu cequat erat.

2020 Series

Cras vulputate feugiat interdum. Cras mattis, augue isarcu erat, sit amet varius erat metus nisl.


Rahela Majidi

Rahela Majidi, born in Herat, Afghanistan, moved to the U.S. in 2015. A self-taught artist, she works with various mediums, including oil painting, watercolor, acrylic, and digital painting. Like many Afghan girls, growing up in Afghanistan, Rahela fought for her basic rights, such as education. Today, she stands in solidarity with the women and girls of Afghanistan who have been stripped of their freedoms.

Rahela specializes in painting portraits. Her portraits are deeply expressive and vibrant, with a unique use of color to convey the intense emotions in her subjects’ faces. Each painting is bold and powerful, painted to inspire self-love and self-belief. Through her art, she conveys messages of resilience, strength, and hope, with the aim of empowering women and celebrating their inner strength.

Photography 100%
Photoshop 100%
Illustrator 90%
Indesign 95%

Some brands I've worked with:

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